Where to Dump Your Garbage in Greene County
Got trash and recycling in Greene County? As long as your garbage does NOT include large dead animals, sewage sludge, explosives, or other no-no’s, Greene County’s Waste Transfer Stations have got your back. Follow the rules, bring cash to cover the fees, and find your nearest dump. There are waste stations in Catskill, Coxsackie, Hunter, and Windham, which is we’re we’ll be taking you today.
The Windham dump is a tidy and well-organized waste station with lots of signage and rules to keep things running smooth. Note: Station prices are subject to change!
Is it rude to call this place “the dump”? Visiting the Windham dump is an enlightening experience. Just like gardening teaches you how long it takes to grow your own food, the dump—or rather, the waste transfer station—gives you a new perspective on the garbage you create. Here, you need to remove the plastic windows from your pasta boxes, separate your recycling, crush your cans if possible, and pay for how much you get rid of — which will make you a lot more mindful of your trash.
Recycling cardboard in Greene County? Find your nearest dump in Catskill, Coxsackie, Hunter, or Windham, pictured here.
When you visit the Windham dump, it’s always a good idea to bring small bills to pay the fees. A helpful handwritten sign on the door reminds you to keep your trash-separating, money-counting hands out of your mouth, for goodness sake.
Even a tidy dump is still a dump. Don’t lick your fingers, people.
Seriously, licking your fingers to count your dump money would be a really bad idea.
At the Windham dump—and all 4 Greene County dumps—prices are subject to change, but this sign gives you an idea of the price range.
The folks working at the waste station are gonna watch you like a hawk to make sure you don’t scavenge or upset their organizational game, but they’re also glad to help, especially if you’re acting like some weirdo who’s never been to a dump before. (Hello. That’s me.)
Greene County dump service fees—all prices subject to change.
Prices may change, but while we were at the Windham dump in late-August 2022, the woman running the station gave us these helpful sheets to take home. (Click the images below to enlarge them.)
Real talk: IT TOOK US YEARS TO FIND THE DUMP. I’m a suburban-raised/city-based person who has always had garbage truck service. After years of carrying home our trash at the end of our trips upstate, my dad found a (pretty expensive!) garbage pick-up company that would grab our trash cans on Fridays. However, this was a literal mess. Since we’re a big family of weekenders who take turns with our house, that meant we were usually leaving our garbage pails out all week… Which meant critters would get into the trash and spread it across the road… Where it sat until neighbors cleaned it up and left us angry notes on our front door. (Sorry, neighbors! We didn’t know any better!)
The Windham dump in Greene County, NY also has places to leave electronics, deposit bottles and cans, and a couple of drop boxes for clothing and shoe donations.
I searched the Greene Government site for “dump” and “garbage” and “disposal” and “recycling” many, many times before I realized that I just had to click on “Departments” and choose “Solid Waste Transfer Stations” from the drop-down.
A majestic place to dump your garbage in the Catskills! The Windham dump!
I felt like a real dummy when I realized we drove past the Windham dump all the time. I just didn’t recognize it because looks like some kind of private, industrial site. And also, I had no idea what waste transfer station was. And also, the killer views of Windham Mountain rising up behind the station can really distract you from the dumpsters! But now that I found it, I’m so thankful for our wonderful Windham waste station.
Dumpsters and ski slopes at the Windham waste station. I will never schlep my trash back to Brooklyn again.
Greene County’s Waste Transfer Stations are located in Catskill, Coxsackie, Hunter, and Windham. Click here to find your nearest dump, confirm opening hours, and figure out the best way to sort your trash and recycling.